Search Results

We have found 52 results matching your search query.

Who’s the Plan Administrator?

…sale, a new Plan Administrator would need to be appointed. Once the new Plan Administrator was officially installed, the plan was put on a course for payout and termination. Conclusion Little thought—if any—is often given to retirement plans in M&A scenarios. Something as simple as…

Fiduciary Best Practices for Plan Sponsors

ERISA entrusts the care of retirement benefits and the proper operation of retirement plans to “fiduciaries” of the plans, such as the business owners who sponsor them. Fiduciaries who fail can face penalties and personal liability for plan losses. Attend this course to understand fiduciary…

Your TPA Partner Can Help You Win Business

Your TPA Partner Can Help You Win Business When it comes to the administration of retirement plans, most TPAs can execute the work pretty competently. And while there are differences in quality of process and internal expertise, most of this is technical work that happens…

Which Plan Design Option is Best for Your Business?

…of scale while joining a plan that best meets their needs. Some other key components that can be found across all three retirement plan types outlined above include: Fiduciary/Fiduciary Governance: A fiduciary is responsible for maintaining a plan in the best interests of participants and

MEPs Might Just Be the Answer

Most CEOs and other executives just want to run their businesses. Whether they help run a factory, a consulting firm, or a school, they’d prefer to focus on what they are best at: leading, serving, and building their business. Most are not interested in becoming…

TPA & 3(16) Solutions

TPA & 3(16) Solutions Pentegra offers a comprehensive array of Third Party Administrative (TPA) Services. We take TPA services to the next level as a 3(16) Fiduciary Administrator. Our tenured and professionally credentialed expert team of ERISA attorneys, ASPPA-certified consultants and compliance specialists serves thousands…

PEPs Present Opportunities—For Employers and Advisors

…may be insulated from liability. Save time and money PEPs can improve efficiency in plan administration. As a 3(16) fiduciary administrator, Pentegra can perform nearly all of the required duties of a plan sponsor. In addition, Pentegra works with service providers across the industry—recordkeepers, payroll…