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We have found 26 results matching your search query.

What’s Next From Capitol Hill

…the horizon. This webinar will provide insights into various legislative proposals and what it could mean for plan sponsors. Key Items Update on SECURE 2.0 Keeping Your Retirement Act Increasing Retirement Amount Act The Enhancing Emergency and Retirement Savings Act of 2021 ESG Disclosure mandate

SECURE 2.0 – The Top Five Provisions Plan Sponsors Ask About

…mandatory and takes effect in 2024. Plans without a designated Roth provision would have to add the provision to the plan to comply with this rule. Logistically, this provision will require numerous, time-consuming, and costly changes to plan and payroll processing systems to accommodate it….

The Loan They Never Take May Make All the Difference

…participant loans and hardship withdrawals point to another problem – namely that too many people don’t have savings or emergency funds outside of their company’s retirement plan account. It’s no wonder that too often they look to their retirement account in times of financial stress….

PENTalk™ Status of Social Security & Medicare Programs

Each year the Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare Trust funds report on the current and projected financial status of the two programs. The Report includes extensive information about the current operations of these important social insurance programs and analysis of their outlook. Assumptions…

Auto Enrollment and Escalation

…a feature that automatically raises employee contribution rates a little each year until they reach their target savings rate. This is really important since auto-enrollment usually starts at a savings rate of 3%, which is too low for most people to save and earn enough…

Cybersecurity for Retirement Plans

Cybersecurity is an epic concern not only in the United States, but globally, as well. Today’s hackers are modern day Willie Suttons, targeting high-balanced financial accounts because, “That’s where the money is.” Due to the massive amount of assets in retirement plans, regulatory agencies are…

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021

…is the federal government’s latest economic stimulus package and the first under President Biden. Key Items Defined Benefit Single Employer Plan Funding Relief Defined Benefit Multiemployer Plan Funding Relief Impacts to Defined Contribution Plans Update on The Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2020 (SSRA)…

SECURE Act 2.0: Reshaping the Retirement Landscape

…and credits, enhancements of SIMPLE IRA arrangements, emergency saving account options in 401(k), and matching of certain student loan payments. In addition, we’ll cover changes to excesses, corrections, RMD and rollover rules. Lastly, the timing, amendment and effective dates of key provisions will be discussed….

Big Plans for Small Businesses

…retirement; see how a plan governance process may help reduce fiduciary liability; identify plan design elements that may help plan sponsors achieve personal and business goals; and stay up to date on plan compliance issues. *Disclaimer: This recording is not eligible for Continuing Education Credits…