Search Results

We have found 47 results matching your search query.

Compliance Essentials

…long-term goals if they are focused on short term problems. With good data, we will know, for example, if company owners are reaching their contributions limits. When this happens, there’s likely a good reason to talk about additional features or other plan design options that…

Employer Connect: When to Set Sail with Safe Harbor

When to Set Sail with Safe Harbor You already know that a 401(k) is a very popular retirement plan and, like other plan designs, it allows your employees to take advantage of tax deferrals on contributions and earnings while their money accumulates for retirement. To…

Your TPA Partner Can Help You Win Business

…orientation to be a consultative partner that listens and understands how to map the right plan design options to the right client to craft and optimize a retirement plan that can meet their tax and savings goals. We’re happy to work directly with you and…

Payroll – It’s More than a Detail

Every retirement plan design begins with a study of a company’s payroll. It’s the essential information that drives thinking around how to optimize tax and savings potential for both business owners and their employees. Once a plan is installed, we rely on payroll data to…

“Why It Matters” Before “How It Works”

…have many plan designs and options to offer depending on what we determine may be a best fit for your clients. The temptation is to quote them what they ask for. We think the better approach is to first invest a little time in understanding…

PENTalk™ – Defined Benefit Plans Are Making a Comeback – Here’s Why

…hiring challenges many employers face- the defined benefit plan can become a game changer for many employers. Join us as we discuss: The hiring environment and talent shortage Regulatory Pension Relief Liability Driven Investing Plan Design Options Frozen Plans – Reconsiderations Reexamining Your Retirement Program…

Big Plans for Small Businesses

…half of them offer a retirement plan to their employees. Attend this course to understand the important role small businesses play in helping U.S. workers save for retirement; see how a plan governance process may help reduce fiduciary liability; identify plan design elements that may…

Help Clients Understand Why a QDIA Matters

plan sponsor to fiduciary risk by making the decision to direct such contributions. As a result, the industry and regulators realized that it was important to establish what would become known as a Qualified Default Investment Alternative or QDIA. A QDIA is designed to meet…

Answering the “Why Us?” Question

…and what you recommend, but why they should do it with you. To be sure, your years of professional service and your credentials matter, but in a universe with many people who share the same designations and path as you, these things may not distinguish…

It’s Not a One-Size-Fits-All World

…AND your expertise. It’s all about asking the right questions so that together, we can design the ideal retirement plan for each of your clients. For more on this, download the question list and give us a call to talk about how we can help….