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We have found 46 results matching your search query.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions Everyday companies large and small make decisions to combine forces. In fact, in 2017, more than 15,000 companies announced a merger or an acquisition. And it probably won’t surprise you, but M&A activity spans all major industry sectors and nearly all geographies….

It’s All About Relationships

It’s All About Relationships There are many industry stats about 401k “sales.” Perhaps you have your own. It’s natural to talk in terms of lead generation and sales funnels and qualifying questions and, of course, closing. But, when you get down to it, it’s not…

Help Clients Understand Why a QDIA Matters

…plan sponsor to fiduciary risk by making the decision to direct such contributions. As a result, the industry and regulators realized that it was important to establish what would become known as a Qualified Default Investment Alternative or QDIA. A QDIA is designed to meet…

The Loan They Never Take May Make All the Difference

And we know this limits our ability as industry professionals to collaborate with companies to help their employees create good retirement outcomes. In this environment, it’s essential to try to help people learn how to think more critically about how they spend their money, how…

Answering the “Why Us?” Question

…about their future. So, why are YOU a good choice to help them get there? The key is to focus on your understanding of these important challenges and how you partner with other industry experts to deliver real value. Sometimes it’s as simple as choosing…

Monetizing The SECURE Act

With the passage of SECURE, PEPs and MEPs are the new rage, but are they the right solution and opportunity? What about Association Retirement Plans? When and where do they make sense? As one of the industry’s leading MEP experts and one of the most…

What’s Next From Capitol Hill

A number of bills are under consideration by the 117th U.S. Congress that could have intriguing consequences for the retirement industry. Pentegra is here to help you stay one step ahead of what’s on the horizon. This webinar will provide insights into various legislative proposals…

Running SECURE

retirement policy changes, many of which are effective in 2020. The new law makes broad changes to almost all aspects of the U.S. retirement system. Investors as well as everyone in the retirement services industry will likely be affected to some degree as a result…

SECURE 2.0 – The Top Five Provisions Plan Sponsors Ask About

…There is an active request before the House Ways and Means Committee, written by the American Benefits Council and signed by over 100 industry groups and plan providers, to delay the effective date of this provision because of systems challenges. The $145,000 figure will be…

Navigating a New Rollover Reality

With the Department of Labor regulations on investment advice fiduciaries vacated, the industry reverts to prior guidance on the proper steps to completing a compliant IRA rollover, including best practices as outlined in FINRA Notice 13-45. Attend this course to understand the changing rollover reality;…