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Use Benchmarking to Your Advantage

…easily quantified than things like expertise and quality and the care of consulting that we deliver together. When cost is the primary driver, benchmarking is a pretty straightforward quantitative analysis.  When you’re prospecting it’s an offensive strategy as you invite employers to look at potential…

Why Permitted Disparity Matters

When it comes to retirement plans, there are many ways to distribute a company’s profit sharing contribution. It may be as straightforward as a proportional, or “pro rata,” share to each eligible participant or it can be based on a formula that considers age or…

Plan Audits

…exchange, like the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ or that can be typically purchased from a bank or life insurance company or other regulated entity. Non-qualifying plan assets are investments in things like real estate, coin collections, fine art, a private business or other…

Help Clients Understand Why a QDIA Matters

…many employees fail to make an investment election on their own. This creates a need for a default investment in the lineup. A cash fund has no risk, but also has no growth potential. Other investments may have income or growth potential, but expose a…

Mergers and Acquisitions

…For some, it’s a strategy for growth. For others, it’s a defensive move to survive as markets and business requirements change. Whatever the motivation, there are almost always impacts on retirement benefits. Think about it: companies merge – they both have retirement plans. Now what?…

Payroll – It’s More than a Detail

…expensive as markets move. This is only exacerbated if errors are not discovered until much later.  Good data is one thing, but there’s another huge assumption – and that is payroll data needs to be provided timely. Rules say that plans must generally deposit contributions…

The Retirement Plan Landscape – A Look Into the Future

…plan landscape. Key Items The SECURE Act – provisions effective in 2021 The CARES Act – highlights from the Act and recent IRS notices clarifying certain provisions The Final DOL Rule on Financial Factors in Selecting Plan Investments The Securing a Strong Retirement Act of…

Caution: Merging Bills Ahead!

…a Strong Retirement Act (SSRA) 2. Retirement Improvement and Savings Enhancement to Supplement Healthy Investments for the Nest Egg (RISE & SHINE) Act 3. Enhancing American Retirement Now (EARN) Act Gain a better understanding of what these legislative changes could mean for your retirement plan….

Help Clients Find the 401(k) That’s Right For Them

…the difference. Here are few ideas to begin the discussion:  Talk about their workforce. It’s not just a matter of head count, it’s about understanding their age groups, their needs, and their investment experience. Talk about their goals. For example: Is the purpose of the…

Financial Wellness

…to help. Talk to us about how we can create effective programs to talk with employers and communicate more effectively about what these mean and how to take advantage of them. It’s a way to clearly separate yourself from your competition while establishing a key…