Search Results

We have found 61 results matching your search query.

3(16) Fiduciary Services and Why You Should Care

…role in helping clients understand this challenge and introduce the opportunity of a 3(16) fiduciary outsourcing relationship. Talk to us to learn more about how we can guide clients to a solution they can rely on, that will also free them to focus on creating…

The Loan They Never Take May Make All the Difference

…they budget, and how they make choices about taking on debt because success here translates directly to greater confidence and preparedness to save for their future. Let’s talk about how we can work together to educate and guide people to true financial wellness. The result…

Answering the “Why Us?” Question

…your retirement plan partners will create a customized plan to optimize participation, be tax efficient, and set a path for good outcomes. Your orientation to be a partner for the long term will help set yourself apart. Talk to us about how we can help…

It’s Not a One-Size-Fits-All World

AND your expertise. It’s all about asking the right questions so that together, we can design the ideal retirement plan for each of your clients. For more on this, download the question list and give us a call to talk about how we can help….

Auto Enrollment and Escalation

…to accumulate what they need in retirement. Even though automatic features aren’t right for every plan, more could benefit. Just over half of retirement plans offer automatic features so there may be room to examine your book of business and talk to plan sponsors about

DB Plans are Alive and Well

…to a company looking to keep top talent. But only businesses that have predictable earnings and long-term viability should consider a Defined Benefit plan because there are consequences if required contributions are missed. Let’s talk about clients who may benefit most from this kind of…

Make The Shift to Automatic

As an employer, implementing Auto-Enrollment features can help to shift employees in the direction of retirement savings while still allowing the freedom to make their own choices. Join us as we discuss what you need to know to implement or improve upon auto-enrollment features, including:…

Coping with Market Volatility

Market volatility can sometimes cause us to make emotional financial decisions. That may not be the best strategy when saving for retirement. Join us as we discuss ways to help manage your investment strategy during times of market volatility, including: Evaluating where you are &…

Monetizing The SECURE Act

With the passage of SECURE, PEPs and MEPs are the new rage, but are they the right solution and opportunity? What about Association Retirement Plans? When and where do they make sense? As one of the industry’s leading MEP experts and one of the most…

Additional Clarity on CARES Act Provisions

Over the past few weeks, the Internal Revenue Service issued Notices (2020-50 / 2020-51 / 2020-52) to provide greater clarify on provisions under the CARES Act. Key Provisions Impacting the Retirement Industry Notice 2020-50 – Coronavirus Related Distributions (CRD) and Coronavirus Related Loans (CRL) Notice…

“Why It Matters” Before “How It Works”

…understand WHY they want to do this, before focusing on HOW we can help them. Let’s talk about what’s motivating your clients to consider a retirement plan. From there we can share illustrations and ideas that best fit their story, their circumstances, and their goals….