Search Results

We have found 61 results matching your search query.

Portfolio Rebalancing in the Recent Market Environment-Revisited

…threshold is exceeded (e.g. when stocks appreciate by 10% or more versus bonds over a 4-week period). Given that current equity markets are very richly valued with the added variables of Covid-19, higher interest rates and geopolitical risks, there may be several potential benefits to…

PENTalk™ – Where’s That Easy Button

…Fiduciary Day PENTalk™ – an interactive workshop designed to deliver a simple and effective understanding of these services and learn more about how you can leverage the 3(16) opportunity for your book of business. Hear from leading advisors on the tremendous opportunity 3(16) represents and

PENTalk™- Best Practices for Plan Amendments

Laws change frequently and retirement plans need to be amended to comply with the most recent requirements. Attend this PENTalk™ to learn how best to approach making changes to your retirement plan.

PENTalk™ – Plan Sponsors’ Five Deadly Sins

Despite all the 401(k) media attention and national plan fiduciary discussion, plan sponsors continue to make very common mistakes year over year that are relatively easy to identify, fix and avoid, with the right help. Mistakes can be opportunities to improve existing retirement plans for…

PENTalk™ – Form 5500 Season: What You Need to Know

It probably seems like 5500 season approaches sooner every year, which means less time to focus on other, more critical parts of your business. Attend this course to learn about how to make the process easier, including tips on small plan vs. large plan filing…

PENTalk™ Status of Social Security & Medicare Programs

Each year the Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare Trust funds report on the current and projected financial status of the two programs. The Report includes extensive information about the current operations of these important social insurance programs and analysis of their outlook. Assumptions…