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We have found 59 results matching your search query.

Aligning Plan Design with Client Goals

…need. Plan designs can vary in important ways. For example, depending on the plan: contributions can be discretionary or mandatory. They can favor older employees over younger ones. They can accumulate a balance like a 401k or a promised benefit as in defined benefit plan….

Answering the “Why Us?” Question

…help set yourself apart. Talk to us about how we can help you showcase your approach to helping clients achieve the outcomes they seek for themselves and their employees. It’ll set you apart from the pack and help set the foundation to grow your business….

It’s Not a One-Size-Fits-All World

…plan will help you customize it. What does financial wellness mean to you? A 401(k) is a savings vehicle, but you can also use it to help educate employees to be healthier in all aspects of their lives. Are you familiar with different ways we…

Make The Shift to Automatic

As an employer, implementing Auto-Enrollment features can help to shift employees in the direction of retirement savings while still allowing the freedom to make their own choices. Join us as we discuss what you need to know to implement or improve upon auto-enrollment features, including:…

Payroll – It’s More than a Detail

Every retirement plan design begins with a study of a company’s payroll. It’s the essential information that drives thinking around how to optimize tax and savings potential for both business owners and their employees. Once a plan is installed, we rely on payroll data to…

Practical and Tactical Actions for Small Business Owners

It’s not what you earn – it’s what you keep. Small business owners may be missing out on tactics and strategies designed to help them maximize their business income and achieve retirement savings goals for themselves and their employees. Hear from Mary Read, National Director…

Practical and Tactical Actions for Small Business Owners

It’s not what you earn – it’s what you keep. Small business owners may be missing out on tactics and strategies designed to help them maximize their business income and achieve retirement savings goals for themselves and their employees. Hear from Mary Read, National Director…

Defining Retirement Plan Compensation – Getting it Right

Reporting plan compensation right is integral to plan success. Compensation is the basis for determining contribution allocations, compliance testing as well as employee status. It is also one of the top sources of plan errors that can have long term, expensive consequences. The start of…

Practical and Tactical Actions for Small Businesses

SECURE Act 2.0 gives small business owners exciting new tactics and strategies designed to help them achieve business goals as well as retirement savings objectives for themselves and their employees. Attend this seminar to learn how to use qualified retirement plans and executive compensation arrangements…

Big Plans for Small Businesses

…half of them offer a retirement plan to their employees. Attend this course to understand the important role small businesses play in helping U.S. workers save for retirement; see how a plan governance process may help reduce fiduciary liability; identify plan design elements that may…